I was almost out of gas, and stuck in this waiting-for-the-millionth-train-to-pass line of cars. Then I spot a gas station. Or was it an auto repair place. Gas station!
So I turn left at the light, and am waiting to turn into Ass-Saver Oasis, my car lurking. And I'm trying to nose into a line of cars, that, yes, has the green light, but if I didn't get to that pump, the road would see a higher volume of miffed drivers, miffed for a longer time.
A very nice Cadillac SUV let me pass, and I felt like I'd swindled the key to a locked bathroom to take a much-needed dump. Hallelujah.
So if a slow-moving car is apparently trying to get into a gas station, don't get PO-ed because the driver's trying to cut in, let them in. It's good car karma. May many bathroom doors open for you.