Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Could Never Work at the Gap

Simply because I suck at folding. Your Honors, I submit into evidence, two identical lengths of fabric (that are now curtains):

While I'm on the whole submitting evidence/courtroom tip, you know how Ice-T is on Law and Order? I was leafing through Fuck You Heroes by photographer Glen E. Friedman recently, and I forgot how fly Ice-T was back in the day, not that he's not a badass now or something. And I guess Friedman has a blog now that he regularly updates, it's purty cool.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Toilet Paper Roll Reflections. And Art?

So I'm sitting in my gramma's bathroom this morning thinking about the toilet paper roll debate — how some people prefer their toilet paper hanging down the front, while others prefer the back-side hang. I never had a preference — but this particular white-square length was hanging down the back, draped against the smooth pink tiled wall. And I was thinking that hmm, could that add extra germs to your butt, from the extra contact with the pink tiles or something...?!

Anyways, so then I was googling pictures for this blog, and just got hip to this whole toilet-paper-roll art phenomenon thing — like these sculptures by Jacquet Fritz Junior (or Junior Fritz Jacquet?) that I found on the Pinewood Design website

And here's more at the Design Inspiration blog. Google "toilet paper roll art" to see more,there's buttloads. Well, not really buttloads, but(t) there's more.