So I'm sitting in my gramma's bathroom this morning thinking about the toilet paper roll debate — how some people prefer their toilet paper hanging down the front, while others prefer the back-side hang. I never had a preference — but this particular white-square length was hanging down the back, draped against the smooth pink tiled wall. And I was thinking that hmm, could that add extra germs to your butt, from the extra contact with the pink tiles or something...?!
Anyways, so then I was googling pictures for this blog, and just got hip to this whole toilet-paper-roll art phenomenon thing — like these sculptures by
Jacquet Fritz Junior (or Junior Fritz Jacquet?) that I found on the
Pinewood Design website

And here's more at the
Design Inspiration blog. Google "toilet paper roll art" to see more,there's buttloads. Well, not really buttloads, but(t) there's more.