I was at this gallery opening—a local high school art teacher did the judging, there was free white zin and good cookies—and this woman's backside catches my eye, well, the back of her shirt and purse. It was one of those moments where you're not sure if your eye is caught for the right reason.

I just sat there and stared, and the combo strangely harmonized me. Flowers on the shirt, bees on the bag, the whole pollination connection. But like in nature, if you look a little closer... do you see how the "D" near the top totally matches/complements the pattern of her shirt?
I had to go up and tell her about it, and she was real nice—she hadn't even thought about her threads. She's a painter, her name is Whitni, the purse is from Dooney & B—hence the "D" letter pattern and the bees—and her husband got it for her because they raise bees, which they started doing to help their apple trees on their farm. And they make apple cider. Now how rad is that.
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