Don't get me wrong, I love me some Jamba, but the "Cold Buster" smoothie has orange sherbet in it. Don't get me wrong, I also love me some orange sherbet, but it's basically sugar. Sugar weakens the immune system. Thus drinking the Cold Buster ain’t gonna bust nothing but…well, it’s not gonna get rid of my cold okay? It would be like saying, “Oh here's this sleeping pill laced with speed.” Just get the juice, with a boost if you must, dang. And no, don’t drink Tang.
(P.S. I wish Jamba Juice was open 24 hours so I could get a double wheatgrass shot after a night out...they could call it the "Wee-Hours Wheatgrass Shot." Or what about wheatgrass delivery? Can you tell I'm writing this when I'm sick?)
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