I made creepy eye contact with a Mercedes owner who reminded me of Bruce Jenner of the Kardashian clan (but with blond hair plugs) wearing an over-sized thrift-store-looking blazer that matched his navy ride, which I can only describe as the kind of older-model Mercedes that might frequent the driveway of the house in "Flowers in the Attic," driven by a bribed coroner. Now that I think about it, his hair was like a combination of Bruce Jenner and Kristy Swanson's wig in "Flowers in the Attic" after her character madly butchers her hair.

Anyway, so this well-designed sticker caught my eye on a nearby street pole, and it made me want to check out the Strange Beauty Show site. So in honor of good design, here I am plugging the salon. And maybe unintentionally, hair plugs. By the way, this salon does feather extensions. Where did that trend come from, by the way? Is that what led to Cyndi Lauper singing the "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the U.S. Open this weekend (and butchering the lyrics, which also seems to be a popular trend lately)?

I just know Steven Tyler wouldn't never goof the national anthem. Especially if he was wearing his feathers for good luck. Okay, he smudged some words in this vid at the 2004 World Series, but not like an entire lyric so whatevs, and it's so rock n roll so who cares!

Oh, here! "Like" Strange Beauty Show on Facebook for deals and stuff, they do cool make-up and nails, too, and have art shows and play vinyl.

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