Little Boy Looking at Tree Stump: What happened to the tree?
Me: Maybe the tree was sick, so they had to cut it down.
LBLATS: What happened to the tree?
Me: Well...maybe the people in that house wanted more sun, so they cut the tree down and had someone take it away.
LBLATS: What happened to the tree?
Me: Ummm...maybe it got blown down in a storm.
LBLATS: What happened to the tree?
Me: Welllll. Ummmm. Hmm. Maybe the tree was about to fall down onto the people's house, so they had someone come and cut it down and take it away.
LBLATS: What happened to the tree?
Me: I don't know.
Me: What do you think happened to the tree?
LBLATS: (Holding a little rubber airplane, zooming it through the air) My airplane flew into it and knocked it down!
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