When I googled "to tup" one definition read "to have carnal knowledge of a woman," while another cited that it meant to copulate with a ewe. But I have much better definitions for the betterment of the English language.
"To tup":
1. to hold Tupperware parties with pride
2. to excitedly attend Tupperware parties
3. to overzealously store non-food items in Tupperware.
Try it today! (Ex. "Where did Connie go tonight? She gone tuppin'!")

Oh, and here are some possible alternative definitions:
1. to collect way too many Tupperware containers in a way that inspires a new spin-off of Hoarders, "Hoarding: Buried Alive in Tupperware."
2. To donate pieces of Tupperware to places like thrift stores, even though you know they don't have lids and should throw that shit out already.
UPDATE: A friend of mine has suggested that this license plate was intended to read "I LOVE TO TEE UP." This, as we all know, is a *ridiculous* observation, but I am an open-minded individual and like to encourage different opinions and points of view on Planet Leah, so I am making a mention of it. (Isn't it much more fun to imagine the trunk of that car packed with Tupperware instead of golf clubs?!) By the way, I used to caddy but really sucked at it cause I needed glasses at the time, and as most of you you know that's pretty much the main duty of a caddy — to watch the ball — in addition to carrying the bag of course. And looking the other way when your golfer kicks the ball or pees in the water.
I moar in awe that they shop at Capitol Ford.
...or may even a skate betty who love Tim Upson. http://policeinformer.blogspot.com/2008/07/tim-upson.html
I love to Tim Upson? Probably didn't have room for "do"... I love to... toke upside-down? Ha ha...
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