Like today, after a pretty rainy day, my friend Allison posts: "That rainbow is really putting a damper on the crappy mood that took me all day to accumulate." And my friend Sara just texted me: "They should really rename Little Debbie 'Big Fattie Debbie,' to which I replied — "Or Little Fattie."

Okay, so I've indulged in Nutty Bars and Oatmeal Cream Pies, but has anyone even tried "Cloud Cakes"? I wonder how long have these fake-Twinkie-ass suckers have been around. I take that back — I shall not judge, since I have not tried them, my apologies to you Cloud Cakes.
I do have to say, the names are both pretty awesome — Twinkies and Cloud Cakes. Sounds like the food that you eat in heaven or something. Or feed to unicorns so they can fly. And then maybe die, because I don't think you're supposed to feed unicorns Twinkies just like you're not supposed to give dogs chocolate.
hahhaha i just LOL'd after reading "lillle fatties"
little debbie does make a faaaaar superior tasting, and textural, cake than hostess.
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