Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Life, Death, and Pea Soup

Gram: What's in that container?
Me: Pea soup.
Gram: Is it still good?
Me: Hm, I don't know.
Gram: Well, I'll eat it, and if I die — well, it's almost my time to go anyway!

[UPDATE: I added this last line in, what do you think? Funnier? Less funny? The same funny?]

Gram: What's in that container?
Me: Pea soup.
Gram: Is it still good?
Me: Hm, I don't know.
Gram: Well, I'll eat it, and if I die — well, it's almost my time to go anyway!
Me: But is that what you really want for your last meal, suspect pea soup?


NobodyButMe said...

I think a very intelligent and beautiful person also said the same thing so I'm voting "better".

**** said...

I "like" this comment... I also bet you would make some purty yummy pea soup...!!